St. Rose of Lima Lego Robotics

Students build new and different projects each week as they graduate from simple machines, to motorized mechanisms, to robotics with basic programming. They'll learn all about engineering principles such as gears, wheels, axles, levers, and pulleys. This class is as fun as it is educational! (No Classes on 5/28)
Registration starts TBA
Monday: 4/23, 4/30, 5/07, 5/14, 5/21, 6/04
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm for Grades K - 5
Lab Fee: $10
Cost: $90
No cash/check payments will be accepted. All enrollments must be done online.
Classes will be cancelled if minimum enrollment is not met by the deadline.
*****Deadline to enroll: Thursday, April 19th!*****
To enroll, please visit us at www.parker-anderson.org
Please check with school office to find out the locations of the enrichment classes on campus. Thank you!