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St. Rose of Lima School strives to bring each child the best education possible. This includes learning beyond academics. Explore our additional offerings to learn more. All of the following programs are offered at all grade levels, Kindergarten-8th Grade.

Spiritual Development


From the all-school morning prayer assembly to the end-of-day prayer in the classroom, faith formation is an integral part of St. Rose of Lima's currciulum. Students in all grades have daily religion class and participate in weekly community Mass (Kindergarten students may attend Mass less frequently). Our curriculum teaches and reinforces Catholic values. Bible stories teach students the Word of God; special prayer services encourage them to celebrate the Word. Prayer is a natural part of the children's day. Students become aware that in everything they do, the Spirit of God is present.



Students are provided frequent opportunities to create masterpieces using various mediums, such as crayons, paint, clay, and more. Students in K-5 attend a dedicated art class taught by a specialist twice a week. Middle School students attend art class with a specialist once a week.



Students in grades K-8 have music class taught by a very talented and accomplished speciliast once a week. They learn music theory, history, and basics. They perform two formal concerts each year, one at Christmas and one in Spring. 

Physical Education


Aimed at developing gross motor skills, sportsmanship, and all-around health, our Physical Education program is based on body awareness, movement, and skill. Students in K-5 attend a formal PE class once a week, and additionally work once a week on learning organized games to play during daily breaks. Middle school students attend a formal PE class once a week. 

Hands-On Science 


It has been proven that children retain knowledge at a higher level if they participate in hands-on learning activities. In addition to daily Science classes, students in all grades attend a hands-on Science Lab once a week with a specialty teacher, where they discover science at work in daily life. Our successful, comprehensive Science program begins teaching students the scientific method at age-appropriate levels, starting in Kindergarten, and culminating with a Science Fair in Middle School. 



Encouraging a natural use of the language, our Spanish program allows children to explore Spanish language through songs, games, guided activities, and oral and written classwork at a weekly class taught by a specialty teacher. 

Reading Comprehension

Students in all grades have nightly reading assignments. Comprehension assessments are conducted online through Accelerated Reader, which helps teachers gauge each student's progress and allows them to make suggestions for further reading advancement. Students in all grades have access to our comprehensive Digital Library through their iPads and home computers. Our library offers more selections than the entire Simi Valley library! Paper book libraries are available in every classroom.

Character Development

We not only teach children to be good students; we also teach them to be good people and valuable citizens. We are committed to bringing faith to life and life to faith.  Working with parents as their children’s first and most enduring moral teachers, St. Rose aims to instill the following qualities in students:


  • Respect

  • Responsibility 

  • Honesty

  • Kindness

  • Perseverance

  • Service


To have a good life, students must lead a good life.  They must develop strong habits of the mind, of the heart, and of actions. Christian and community service is emphasized at all ages. Students are taught to respect their teachers, classmates, and everyone with whom they come into contact. They learn that service and gratitude are the keys to living a fulfilling life.

Integrated Technology

In an effort to maximize student engagement, we have integrated technology into every classroom and grade level. Teachers use iPads, document cameras, and Apple TV to enhance their lessons. Students in K-3 have class iPads available to play educational games and provide online learning. Students in Grades 4-8 have a 1:1 iPad program, allowing them to take an active part in learning both in the classroom and at home. 

Certificate of Merit


This free program allows students to explore new subject matters that appeal to them outside of their regular classes. Open to all students, this program  allows children to pursue areas of personal interest under the direction of teacher mentors while developing critical research and presentation skills.

Extracurricular Classes

Students have access to a range of extracurricular classes taught by professionals right here on campus! Classes are held during lunchtime and after school, and are an added option. We offer rotating classes such as Robotics (K-8), Jedi Training, Marine Biology, Young Doctors, Mathe-Magic, Irish Dance, Chess, Animal Adventures, and many more! 

Student Council


The St. Rose of Lima School Student Council shares leadership responsibility as it develops activities to build school spirit and spearheads efforts to encourage students to serve the school and community.  


  • Students from grades six and seven campaign for Membership on Student Council.

  • Elections are held in May to select officers for the following year.

  • Student Council joins conducts the opening prayer assembly each day, being responsible for flag salute, and leading our morning prayer.

  • Student council members also make afternoon announcements before dismissal.

  • They run the Halloween Pumpkin Carving contest in October and the ValentineGrams sale in February.


1325 Royal Avenue, Simi Valley, CA 93065
PH: (805) 526-5304 

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St. Rose of Lima School is accredited by the Western Catholic Education Association (WCEA)

and Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)


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