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Frequently Asked Questions



What grades does St. Rose of Lima serve?
St. Rose educates students in Kindergarten-8th grade.


How many classes do you have of each grade level?

St. Rose offers one class per grade. Kindergarten-5th grade classes are run by a lead teacher and an instructional aide.


What are the schools’ hours?

Daily Schedule:

7:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (K)

7:45 a.m. – 2:45 p.m. (1st-8th)


Early Dismissal Tuesdays:

7:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (K-8th)

Before and after-school care available from 7:00 am-6:00 pm


Are teachers at St. Rose Certified/Credentialed? Are there other requirements for teachers?

The St. Rose faculty is made up of all certified/credentialed teachers. They bring years of wisdom and experience into the classroom every day. All teachers at St. Rose hold current State of California teaching licenses.  They also must take continuing education to renew their license. Our teachers also receive Professional Development through the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Many of our teachers also hold Masters Degrees.


What sets St. Rose apart from other schools?

St. Rose is a small family community with an emphasis on academic excellence and strong morals and values. We offer state-of-the-art technology and programs (1:1 iPads and Robotics & STEM programs), plus a family environment. Our program is fully accredited by WASC/WCEA, and all our teachers are credentialed and degreed. St. Rose provides an academically challenging, spiritually enriching, safe and affordable education.    


Is the school accredited?
Yes, St. Rose of Lima Catholic is fully accredited.

  • In 2014, St. Rose of Lima School earned the highest possible accreditation from the Western Catholic Educational Association (WCEA).

  • All subjects are aligned with the Common Core State Standards (English Language Arts & Math), California State Standards, and LA Archdiocese Standards (Religion).

  • Our program is the ONLY Kindergarten program in Simi Valley fully accredited by WCEA and WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges).


Is the campus safe?

Yes, gates are kept closed and locked during the day, and all visitors must check in at the school office. St. Rose staff members have all been specially trained through a program developed by law enforcement officers as to how to best protect students in case of an emergency. All volunteers must be fingerprinted and background checked before being allowed to interact with students.


Do students have to be Catholic to attend St. Rose?
No. However, St. Rose is a Catholic school and our education is based on Catholic teachings and values. Most of our school families are members of St. Rose Parish or other surrounding parishes. We welcome students of all faiths who desire a rigorous education in a Catholic environment. Non-Catholic families who enroll their children in our school appreciate the Catholic faith, values, and prayer taught at the school. They value the atmosphere it provides for their children and are impressed in how it strengthens them spiritually.


How is the Catholic Faith incorporated at St. Rose? 
As a parochial school, St. Rose of Lima School is part of the faith community of St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church. Religion is formally taught every day. Additionally, students attend and actively participate in weekly Mass, generally on Friday at 8:30 am.  Weekly school Mass is rescheduled when needed to the accommodate Holy Days of Obligation during the school year. Along with weekly Mass, religion class is part of our daily curriculum.  Prayer is woven throughout the day.  Classrooms begin and end their day in prayer and always pray before meals.  Discussions and celebrations of the liturgical seasons and lives of the saints are incorporated throughout the year.  Opportunities for reconciliation are provided during Advent and Lent for all students who have received that sacrament.  Preparation and instruction is provided in second grade for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.


What is your policy on conflict/discipline?
St. Rose strives to create an atmosphere of Christian charity and respect for all students and faculty, relying upon positive reinforcement to help students grow in self-discipline and personal responsibility. We provide a solid foundation for creating a safe and respectful learning environment. .


How much homework is assigned?

Homework is limited and is used to practice/reinforce skills already learned in class.


Does St. Rose offer Lunch Service?

Students may either bring lunch from home or order hot/cold entrees from ChoiceLunch service. ChoiceLunch is offered every day (except early dismissal days).

What is the school’s uniform policy/dress code?
Uniforms are required for all students every day. A dress uniform is required for all students on days when Mass is celebrated. PE uniforms are required on days students have formal PE classes.


We believe that our students' appearance is an important part of the learning environment, and that is why our students wear uniforms. Our uniform policy minimizes distractions in the classroom and discourages students from judging their peers based on outward appearance. Uniforms can be purchased at Dennis Company, and we also have used uniforms for sale. Our uniform guidelines and free dress guidelines are explained in the Parent/Student Handbook.


Does St. Rose offer after-school care?

Yes, we offer after-school care until 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday when school is in session (even on minimum days). We work hard to keep the costs low, and there is no enrollment fee. All children are welcome on campus starting at 7:00 am. 


Where do St. Rose graduates go to high school?

Most of our graduates attend private Catholic high schools, including Alemany, Chaminade, Crespi, La Reina, Louisville, Notre Dame, and St. Bonaventure. 100% of graduates are accepted into their private schools of choice. Some students choose to go to private schools such as Sierra Canyon or to magnet, lottery or other public high schools.






Reading/language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, religion


What kind of enrichment classes/services are part of the curriculum?

St. Rose has specialty instructors at all grade levels for music, physical education, art, hands-on Science and Spanish. 

  • SPANISH:  Kindergarten – 8th Grade: once a week. Students learn Spanish from a native-speaking teacher through songs, games, and classroom & written activities.

  • MUSIC :  Kindergarten-8th Grade: once a week. Our talented Music Teacher instructs students on music basics and prepares them to perform in 2 Holiday concerts every year.

  • ART: Kindergarten-5th Grade: twice a week; 6th-8th Grade: once a week. Our Art Teacher guides students in lessons during which they create masterpieces using various mediums, including crayons, paints, and clay. Students learn basic art concepts and how to use different mediums to express themselves through art.

  • P.E.: Kindergarten-5th Grade (formal class once a week, organized games once a week); Grades 6-8: once a week. Aimed at developing basic motor skills, our PE program, run by our Athletic Director, is based on body awareness and movement. Good sportsmanship, fitness and the pure joy of physical activity are stressed. 

  • HANDS-ON SCIENCE LAB: Kindergarten-8th Grade: once a week. Our seamless science program is focused on teaching students the scientific method at age-appropriate levels, starting in Kindergarten. Our dedicated Science Lab Teachers create custom lab exercises to bring curricular lessons to life, and awaken students’ natural curiosity.

  • DIGITAL LIBRARY:  Our Digital Library is available through iPads and computers. We have more books than the Simi Valley library! Paper books are available in each classroom. Our Digital Librarian oversees our Accelerated Reader program.

  • ONLINE READING COMPREHENSION PROGRAM: Kindergarten-8th Grade. Nightly reading assignments. Comprehension tests are taken online through Accelerated Reader, which helps teachers keep track of each students’ independent reading practice progress and allows them to help set goals and make suggestions for future reading. Students read books that interest them and read at their own pace. When finished, they take a short online quiz to make sure they understood what they read.

  • ONLINE MATH PRACTICE: Kindergarten-8th Grade. Students practice their math skills online through IXL Math, which offers adaptive and interactive programs.  Questions are administered one at a time, in a fun and interactive environment. Students are notified if they are right or wrong immediately after submitting an answer, which allows them to think about what led to an incorrect response, make adjustments, and solve the problem correctly.

  • RESOURCE:  Students in all grades are served by our comprehensive on-campus resource program, which helps students at all levels succeed, whether they are challenged or high achievers. This on-campus service is included in tuition.



  • K, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Grades are equipped with dedicated iPads that students use to play educational games as part of centers.

  • 4th - 8th Grades have a 1:1 learning initiative iPad program; iPads are used for classwork & homework

  • Teachers use iPads, ELMO document cameras and Apple TV to teach most of their lessons, so students are exposed to technology on a daily basis.


What kind of learning experiences do you provide outside of the classroom?
Some of our recent adventures in learning have included but are not limited to Underwood Family Farms, the Long Beach Aquarium, Knott’s Berry Farm, La Brea Tar Pits/Page Museum, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Museum & Library, iFly Indoor Skydiving in Universal City, Outdoor School in Santa Barbara, Medieval Times, Catalina Island Marine Institute, and Washington D.C. These experiences offer student real-world examples of concepts they learn in class.



Some students want an extra challenge or want to explore an area of great interest. The opportunities span across many content areas, and we provide in-house programs as well as partner with outside companies. All opportunities are offered right here on the St. Rose campus. See the “Enrichment” tab for specific programs.

  • Enrichment classes are offered on a rotating basis all year & take place on campus either during lunchtime or after school.

  • Examples of classes offered: dance, Lego robotics, Jedi Training, chess, marine biology, animal adventures and more!

  • CHOIR: 3rd – 8th Grade



The St. Rose “Panther” student athletes participate in many school-sponsored sports, including:

  • Basketball: 4th-8th Grade

  • Cheer: 5th-8th Grade

  • Flag Football: 5th-8th Grade

  • Soccer: 4th-8th Grade

  • Softball: 6th-8th Grade

  • Track & Field: 3rd-8th Grade

  • Volleyball: 4th-8th Grade


CERTIFICATE OF MERIT PROGRAM (year-long knowledge exploration program with faculty mentors) 

  • K-8th Grade

  • Students explore something new while developing critical research & presentation skills!

  • This FREE program allows students to explore an area of personal interest outside their regular school work.



  • Students in Grades K-4 are paired up with “big buddies,” older students who act as mentors throughout the school year.

  • Buddies do fun activities together, work on Christian service projects, and exchange holiday cards.



  • We have community-building events that allow us to celebrate as a group & get to know each other outside of school. 

  • Halloween Festival; Christmas & Spring Concerts; Field Day



Does St. Rose require service hours?

To encourage parental involvement, offer fun community-building activities on a regular basis and keep tuition costs low, St. Rose asks parents to contribute 40 service hours per year, per family (20 hours for single parents). Hours are easy to fulfill, as we have many fun events throughout the year that parents enjoy attending anyway. 


How can I stay informed about my child's studies and school events?

School Announcements:

We communicate school activities, announcements, notes, and calendars to parents on a weekly basis. Parents can also check our Gradelink Student Management System 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Students sometimes also bring notices home.

Gradelink Student Management System:

Gradelink provides parents (and students) “always-logged-in” instant access to student grades and homework assignments; school announcements, calendars and directories; and much more!


We support and encourage open communication between you and our teachers. All St. Rose teachers check email regularly. Please feel free to communicate to your child’s teacher via email with any questions or comments. You'll find contact information for our teachers and staff on our Staff page


How can I become involved at St. Rose?

Parents are both welcome and encouraged to volunteer at our school!  We need help during school hours with day-to-day tasks as well as outside of school with events and fundraisers.  During the school day, you may help in the classroom or at lunch on a regularly scheduled basis or occasionally.   If you wish to volunteer in the classroom, please contact your child’s teacher for specific dates and times. Chaperoning field trips is a favorite way for parents to be involved in their child’s education.  You will receive notices when we need volunteers for fundraising, educational and social events. When you arrive at St. Rose to volunteer, please sign in at the school office. We will issue you a visitor badge and provide any special instructions. Your participation sets a wonderful example for our students. We appreciate your interest and involvement.


For the safety of our children, all volunteers must complete a criminal background check, attend a VIRTUS training, and sign a code of conduct. For more information on fingerprinting & VIRTUS Training, click here.


What fundraisers does St. Rose host/support each year?

As with all schools, fundraising is necessary to bridge the gap between tuition and the actual cost of education. St. Rose sponsors two main schoolwide fundraisers: Dream Cuisine Auction and Jog-A-Thon. We also host non-compulsory, minor events during the year to raise funds for special class field trips and other specific needs.


We ask each family to meet a $400 financial obligation per year (through donations); and participate in school fundraisers. Our hope is that families can obtain donations and pledges from family, friends and business that they already patronize. Donations are tax-deductible, and go directly to our school.



Is tuition assistance/financial aid available for students?
We are pleased to offer tuition rates that are some of the lowest in the local and surrounding areas. This is made possible through fundraising efforts and the generosity of our parish. We also offer multi-child discounts. Limited tuition assistance is available and is awarded based on demonstrated need. The process for determining tuition assistance is fair and confidential. To apply, go to: LINK.



Is the school calendar similar to local public school calendars?
Our calendar is similar to the public school calendar; however, we do have some different days off, and our breaks may be different; we suggest you check our calendar carefully when planning your schedule.


What if my child is absent or tardy?

Absences and tardiness disrupt learning, and can slow or even prevent your child's success. We encourage you to schedule doctor, dentist, and other appointments during off-school hours. If an absence is unavoidable, please contact our school office as soon as possible.

What if my child needs medication or becomes ill at school?


Please complete a Medication Release Form in the school office if your child needs to take any medication during the school day. We do not dispense medication, including Tylenol, at school without a written order from a physician or parent. Medicine must be kept in the school office, in the original prescription container, with the student's name on it. Students cannot carry around medication at school. The office will call your child out of class when it is time to administer approved medication.


We will notify you if your child becomes ill at school. The best place for an ill child is at home in the care of an adult. The school does not diagnose illnesses. If your child is ill or injured, please consult a doctor before sending your child to school. Please be sure we always have your current contact information on file.


1325 Royal Avenue, Simi Valley, CA 93065
PH: (805) 526-5304 

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St. Rose of Lima School is accredited by the Western Catholic Education Association (WCEA)

and Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)


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